Cool Tailgating Ideas That Make Sense

Good tailgating ideas and products save you more than just money…

They’ll save you time and effort as well.

The problem is, for every useful gadget there are 2 or 3 useless ones, at least in the author’s opinion.

What are useful tailgating ideas?

Tailgating ideas needn’t reinvent the wheel. Instead, all they need to do is make said wheel cheaper and easier to use.

In particular, it should save you:

  • Space. For those times when every available spot is taken, space is at a premium, so you’ve got to make the most of your 9’ X 8’ parking area. And if the tailgate party involves a large vehicle and a lot of people, then that space will suddenly feel like a subway car at rush hour.
  • Hassle. Organizing a barbecue in your own backyard is one thing; doing it in a parking lot that is shared by thousands of people is another, so tailgating gear that will save you unnecessary trouble are a godsend.
  • Money. Because if you’re independently wealthy, you’re probably not going to be grilling burgers in Lot C.
  • Time. After all, time is money.

10 Reasons Why NFL Tailgating Is Awesome

For examples of what we mean, here are 2 notable ideas that came to fruition:

  1. Flip Box – For 45 bucks, you get a lightweight, collapsible cooler that holds 60 cans, or double the capacity of many comparably priced coolers.
  2. Instagate – This compact (13″ x 12″ x 12″) “tailgate in a box” comes with a foldable grill with a 115 sq. inch cooking surface, plus:
    • 3-pc. BBQ tool set,
    • 3-lb. bag of charcoal,
    • Plates, cups, napkins, utensils, & a bottle opener.
    • It’s not meant to replace a traditional grill, but as a cheap (under $30), eco-friendly, & trouble-free alternative, it doesn’t have to.

Alas, these 2 items seem to have been discontinued. Nevertheless, we need more such ideas…

And not stuff that was seemingly the result of Red Bull- & Taco Bell-fueled brainstorming sessions by fresh out of college marketing majors.

Notably, does anyone remember the “Grooler”?


All for a mere $125 – or in today’s money, $168.

Truly, we need less Stupid Tailgating Ideas and more…

Truly useful tailgating products

Magnetic Beer Koozies

Unless you drove a Mini Cooper to the stadium, chances are that there is more surface space on the sides of your vehicle then there is on your table — if you even have the room for one.

No table, no chairs with cup holders, no worry – keep your drinks cold and handy with these colorful koozies that magnetize to any metal surface.

Portable Trash Bag Holder

Let me guess – you weigh down your trash bags with a can or bottle, or you tie it to the handle of your car, so who needs this?

You do, unless you like chasing it around the parking lot after the inevitable gust of wind takes it for a ride. Besides, who’s got the room for a trash can?

Handheld Portable Shower

For your hands, ok? If you actually need to shower after a tailgate party – well, let’s not go there.  I can think of 3 instances during tailgating when you wish you had running water:

  • You just finished using an especially vile Port-O-Potty.
  • You’re handling raw meat.
  • You just demolished some ribs, or some other equally messy finger food.

Well, you’ve got your wish. And while it won’t heat the water, it sure beats having someone pour drinking water over your hands or using 9 packs of moist towelettes.

Truck Tailgate Beer Pong Table

If the friendly, “Tailgating is allowed in your parking space only…”  signs aren’t enough, you also have the scooter cops to remind you that you’re in danger of entering the neutral zone.

But if you have a pickup truck, then you can play beer pong without have to use more space then you’re allowed.

Hitch Mounted Tailgate Table

Just when you thought you’d never use that hitch, here’s a product that is space efficient as well as super convenient. It weighs 22 pounds, has a surface area of 48” x 24”, and mounts in seconds.  Get it here.

BBQ Grill Mats

Throw away the grill brush and cleaner. This non-stick, reusable, mat will pay for itself after just a couple of uses. It’s perfect for stuff like bacon, shrimp, and veggies, and great for pizza. And yes, the food will have grill marks.

Excellent reviews on Amazon, and only $9.95 for two.

AHB Folding Table

A 34 inch folding table & 4 camping chairs will cost you $60 & $92, respectively, at Amazon. On the other hand, this 34″ table has attached pull-out ergonomic bench seating for 4.

Oh, and not only does it fold into the size of a suitcase, it’s only $62.99 at Amazon.

Do-it-yourself tailgating ideas

Quick chill

There’s nothing worse than a tailgating party with warm beer, but that doesn’t mean you should spend $118 to keep your brew cold on something like this  →

Not when a plastic trash can do the job. That’s right – that, and some ice and water is all you need to “flash” chill your beverages in just minutes:

And then keep them cold for hours, because ice + water maintains a low temperature 4 hours longer than ice alone.

If you want something that takes up less space than a 10-gallon trash can and is more functional, for just $44 you can get the Flip-Box, a collapsible, lightweight (just 3 lbs.), insulated cooler. And once the ice melts, you can use it as a reservoir for a portable shower.

Flip Box: DIY tailgate party ideas
Flip-Box: Easy as 1-2-3

Homemade hangover prevention

Stop wasting money on store-bought hangover remedies. Drinking robs your body of electrolytes, and pickle juice is loaded with it. This may sound like the stuff of urban legends, but it actually works.

DIY Tailgate Party Ideas: Homemade Hangover Cure

It’s also natural, free (any deli would gladly let you take it off their hands), and as an added benefit, it effectively eliminates that slightly nasty aftertaste that even the finest liquors tend to have. While I can only vouch for this as a hangover preventative, Dr. Oz recommends it as a cure.

Turn your grill into a smoker

Unless you’ve been living in a cave you probably realize that a tailgate party with just burgers & hot dogs is so yesterday. Smoking, baby, is where it’s at – smoking meats, that is. They can be expensive, however… But tin pans and wood chips are not, and that’s all you really need to turn your ordinary grill into a smoker. So who needs a $300 Weber Smokey Mountain Cooker anyway?

  • Soak the wood chips for several hours so that they don’t burn. The chips should be the cooking type such as mesquite, oak, or hickory – not scented wood.
  • For kettle-style charcoal grills (this will only work with a cover), just add the chips to the charcoal prior to cooking. Add more as needed.
  • Divide into 2 sections: one for the coals & chips, one for meat & pans. Why? When slow cooking, the meat should always be placed away from the heat source, and the pans will catch the drippings and prevent flare ups.
  • Using the grill vents, keep the temperature between 280 & 320°F. You can direct the smoke towards the food by positioning the lid vent over it.
  • For gas grills, put the chips in a pan over the burner or just wrap them in foil (punch holes to vent).

Brew beer at home

Homemade beer is cheaper, better tasting, & more rewarding. You will have to initially invest in some home brew equipment, but if used regularly, you will save in the long run. Of all the tailgate party ideas, this may be the one that is the most satisfying.

DIY games

Some of the best tailgating tips include do-it-yourself games, and building your own corn hole set is easier than you might think. In addition to scissors, glue, thread, needle, & wood cutting tools, you’ll need a wood board, paint, fabric (duck-cloth), & dried corn feed.

This will take a bit of work and a few hours, but it’s very doable, and you’ll save a hundred bucks or more:

Additionally, do-it-yourself cornhole bags cost pennies on the dollar.

You can even make your own moonlight corn hole board for tailgating after dark. It’s a bit involved, but here are instructions.


  • Tailgating ideas don’t need to be super-innovative nor annoyingly clever.
  • They should, however, save you time, money, space, & effort.
  • Do-it-yourself tailgating projects are not only rewarding, but they’ll also save you even more.

More on tailgating

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Next: Tailgating Games for Less Than $100.

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